
    Professional Organizations

    • American Institute of Architects (AIA)

      Based in Washington, D.C., the AIA has been the leading professional membership association for licensed architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners since 1857.

    • American Society of Interior Designers

      The American Society of Interior Designers is the leading organization for interior design professionals. From corporate boardrooms to home offices, hotel suites to health care facilities, ASID designers create the places where we live, work, play, heal and worship.

    • Construction Specifications Institute

      CSI is a national association dedicated to creating standards and formats to improve construction documents and project delivery. The organization is unique in the industry in that its members are a cross section of specifiers, architects, engineers, cont

    • Society of American Military Engineers

      The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), the premier professional military engineering association in the United States, unites architecture, engineering, construction (A/E/C), facility management and environmental entities and individuals in the public and private sectors to prepare for—and overcome—natural and manmade disasters, and to improve security at home and abroad.

    • Texas Society of Architects

      The Texas Society of Architects is a member association representing the members of the American Institute of Architects in Texas. Founded in 1939, TSA is made up of 17 regional chapters; the Society is headquartered in Austin.

    • United States Green Building Council

      The U.S. Green Building Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community of leaders working to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation

    Codes and Standards

    • American Society of Testing and Materials

      ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services.

    • Americans with Disabilities Act

      Information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act

    • ASHRAE Standards

      ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is an international organization of 51,000 persons. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education.

    • International Code Council

      The International Code Council, a membership association dedicated to building safety and fire prevention, develops the codes used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. Most U.S. cities, counties and states that adopt codes choose the International Codes developed by the International Code Council.

    • National Fire Protection Association

      The world's leading advocate of fire prevention and an authoritative source on public safety, NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks.

    • Texas Accessability Standards

      Information on standards for accessibility to: public buildings and facilities; privately owned buildings and facilities leased or occupied by state agencies; places of public accommodation; and commercial facilities by individuals with disabilities. From the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

    Governing Boards

    • Arkansas Board of Architects

      The Arkansas State Board of Architects was established by legislative action in 1941 with the sole charge of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

    • National Council of Architectural Registration Boards

      The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public through effective regulation and exemplary service.

    • Oklahoma Board of Architects

      Our mission is to protect the citizens of Oklahoma by regulating and promoting quality practice in the professions of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Design

    • Texas Board of Architectural Examiners

      The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners is a multi-profession regulatory agency that oversees the examination, registration, and professional regulation of architects, interior designers, and landscape architects. The agency was created in 1937 by the 45th Legislature in the aftermath of the New London School explosion in which 295 students and teachers were killed.